Grant Permissions for Duplicate Check

Last published at: 2024-03-29 09:16:22 UTC

To use Duplicate Check your users need to have certain permissions. 

To use Duplicate Check features in apps:

  • Assign the Duplicate Check User role to users.
    This role lets users find and and merge duplicate records. 

Duplicate Check and record permissions

  • To find duplicate records, you need at least read and write permission to those records. If you have restricted record access, you might not find all duplicate records present in the database.
  • To merge records, you need read, write, append, and append to permissions.
  • When records are merged, the losing records are deleted. Even if you do not have delete permission on certain records, you can still merge them and the loser records will be deleted.

To access the Duplicate Check app:

  • Assign the Duplicate Check Admin role to users.
    With this role a user can access the Duplicate Check settings, such as scenarios and prevention settings, and can run Duplicate Check Jobs.

Dynamics System Administrators have access to all Duplicate Check settings and features, and do not need these roles.