Install Duplicate Check Local on Windows

DC Local for Salesforce

Last published at: 2024-07-19 13:31:45 UTC

Download Duplicate Check Local for Windows OS here.
For macOS, see Install Duplicate Check Local on macOS‍.

Installing Duplicate Check Local

  1. Download DC Local for Windows OS via
  2. Open the Duplicate+Check+Local.exe file you downloaded.
  3. In the Welcome window, click Next > .
  4. Select a destination directory, and click Next > .
  5. Wait while Duplicate Check Local is installed.
  6. After the installation is complete, click Finish.

Duplicate Check Local is now installed. Before you start using DC Local, make sure you have the permissions needed for using DC Local as described in User rights and permissions for Duplicate Check Local.


Don't forget to give yourself the sufficient rights and permissions in Salesforce before using Duplicate Check Local. Learn more in this article.