Flow Action - Quick Convert

Last published at: 2023-03-27 09:01:45 UTC

The Flow Action feature is available in the Premium Edition.


The "Quick Convert" flow lets you directly convert a Lead record based on a Search Result or a given Record ID. If the Lead can be matched to a Contact or Account, decide to convert into the existing record instead of creating a new record. 

Step 1 Store a Record ID or Search Result to serve as input

The Quick Convert flow actions needs a Record ID or Search Result to serve as input for the convert action. 

Either store a Record ID in a variable in an assignment, or look for duplicate records in cross object search in the Find Duplicates by ID flow action. Use the Search Result output to convert into existing records, instead of creating new records.

Step 2 Use the "Quick Convert" flow action

  1. From the Elements section, drag a new Action to the screen from the Toolbox on the left side.
  2. In the New Action dialog, search for Quick Convert records. 
  3. At "Label", define a name for your action. If the API name is not set automatically, make sure an API name is defined as well.  
  4. At "Set Input Values", configure how to execute the conversion. 
    Required Input Values
    Input Description

    Insert a valid Convert Status for the convert action. 

    LeadID Option 1: Insert a Lead ID to convert. Switch the toggle to include a record ID.

    It's optional to also set a ContactID and/or AccountID (see Optional Input Values) to convert into existing records. 

    Please note that if you choose to convert based on a single record ID, you can't convert based on a Search Result and vice versa. 


    Option 2: Convert based on the Search Result output from a Find Duplicate by ID action. Switch the toggle to include a Search Result. 

    At the SearchResult field, choose the duplicateResult output from the Find Duplicates by ID flow action. If the Search Result found duplicates across multiple objects, the Lead will convert into the existing records instead of creating new records. 

    It's optional to set a threshold level (see below), to only convert from a certain matching percentage. 

    Please note that if you choose to convert based on a Search Result, you can't convert based on a single record ID and vice versa. 

    Optional Input Values

    Input Description
    AccountID Insert an Account ID that the Lead should be routed to in the conversion. Switch the toggle to include an Account ID.
    ContactID Insert a Contact ID that the Lead should convert into, instead of creating a new contact. Switch the toggle to include a Contact ID. 

    Decide if you want to create an Opportunity in the convert action. Switch the toggle to include "Create Opportunity". 

    In the input field, set a Global Constant to "True". 

    Please note that it is also possible to define a name for the Opportunity. 
    OpportunityName If an Opportunity is created during the convert action, you have the option to define a name for the Opportunity. Switch the toggle to include "Opportunity Name".

    If you decide not to set a custom name, but do create an opportunity, a default name is set. For converting to Person Accounts, the Opportunity name is "First Name + Last Name" from the Lead. For converting to an Account and Contact, the Opportunity name is "Company name" from the Lead.  

    Insert an Owner ID for the Contact that the Lead will be converted into. This is especially useful if the Lead to convert is owned by a queue, to prevent the conversion from failing.
    Switch the toggle to include an Owner ID.


    At "Threshold", decide if you want to include a threshold level. The threshold level decides from what matching percentage you want to convert the matching records from the Search Result. 

    Please note that defining a threshold level is only possible when using the Search Result as input. 

  5. Click Done. 

Step 3 Connect your actions to the start trigger

Make sure your actions are connected to the start trigger. 

In this example, we're first collecting an ID to search for duplicate records with across objects, after which we use the Search Result output to Quick Convert the records that are matching the Lead

Step 4 Run the flow

Run the flow by clicking "Run". 

Quick Convert action result 

After running the flow, the action returns parameters that can be used further in the flow. For example, show a screen with links to the Account, Contact, and Opportunity that are created in the convert action. 

Parameter Description
ConvertSucceeded A boolean that returns "True" or "False".
AccountID The Account record ID.
ContactID The Contact record ID.  
OpportunityID The Opportunity record ID.