Direct Processing

Last published at: 2024-07-27 01:33:22 UTC

The Direct Processing feature is available in our Premium Edition


This page explains the setup and use of the Direct Processing feature.

The Direct Processing feature is a prevention tool that automatically merges and converts duplicate records at entry point without any user interaction.

Convert and Merge Settings

Apply direct convert/merge on 
For which channel you want to apply the Direct Processing feature.  
Direct convert with the Convert Status 
The status that will be applied to the converted records.
Direct convert/merge if the score is equal or higher
The duplicate records found will be processed by the Direct Process feature only when the matching score of the duplicates is equal to or higher than the threshold number.

It can process records entering your Salesforce environment from Web-to-Lead, Unique Import / API Bulk Insert, or API Single Insert feature.

For both 'convert' and 'merge' processing, you can choose from the following channels.


To convert the records processed by Direct Processing, the Cross Object feature should be enabled in the Object settings.

API / Apex Insert /  Update
By choosing to apply direct convert or direct merge to API / Apex Update / Apex Insert, all duplicate records created via API will be merged or converted automatically from the threshold level of your choice.
Unique Import
By choosing to apply direct convert and/or direct merge to Unique Import, all duplicate records imported via any import tool will be merged or converted automatically from the threshold level of your choice.
By choosing to apply direct convert and/or direct merge to DC Apex API, all duplicate records created via the DC API will be merged or converted automatically from the threshold level of your choice.
By choosing to apply direct covert and/or direct merge to Flow, all duplicate records created via DC Flow Actions will be merged or converted automatically from the threshold level of your choice.
Web to Lead
By choosing to apply direct convert and/or direct merge to Web-to-Lead, all duplicate records created via the Web-to-Lead process will be merged or converted automatically from the threshold level of your choice.

All actions performed by the Direct Processing feature, all duplicate records merged and converted, can be viewed on the DC Audit Logging page.


Do not set the threshold too low. Merging false duplicate records cannot be undone!


This knowledge item will show you step by step how to configure and use the Direct Processing feature.