General Settings

Last published at: 2024-08-26 09:54:32 UTC

This page explains a number of important settings that can affect the workflow of Duplicate Check completely. Enable, disable or configure other internal DC features.

The DC General Settings page


Default DC Search tab  Set the Object tab that DC Search should open with by default. 
Target 'Open' button Determine how a record page should open when clicking the "Open" button: in a new or existing window or Console tab.
Audit Logging Enable or disable the Audit Logging feature (available in Premium and PDM).
Show API Names on DC Setup Show field names including their API names on the DC Setup page.
Fields displayed with their API names between parenthesis
Show Record Types on DC Search Include Record Types when using the DC Search feature.
Chunk Size Apex/Insert/Upload batch Set the Chunk Size for Apex/Insert/Upload batches.
Auto open groups when opening the DC Job Result Overview Set duplicate groups to be all folded open when reviewing the results of a DC Job.
Show DAP actions for DC Job results Enable the DAP Action Launcher‍ for the Actions menu in DC Job Results. Use this to apply DAP actions directly to DC Job results.
Default display of field values if text exceeds column with in DC Job Result Choose to either clip or wrap long texts in DC Job result columns. Clip will truncate the displayed text, while Wrap will extend the field downwards to show the entire text. This is only the default setting; users can switch between these options in their Job Results overview.
Delete Temp File Click the Start Delete Job button to start a background job cleaning up all temporary data.

Duplicate Prevention

Trigger Duplicate Prevention when editing

Decide for which fields DC Entry and DC Live will trigger when creating or editing a record: all fields, or only fields that are configured in DC Scenarios‍.
Trigger Duplicate Prevention when the owner of a record is changed If enabled, Duplicate Prevention will trigger when a record owner is changed, even though the fields and values are untouched,
Number of potential duplicate records immediately returned in prevention Set how many possible duplicate records you want to show during duplicate prevention.
Error Message for duplicate prevention Show the default error message when duplicates are found, or enter your custom message to show to all users in the organization.
Duplicate Prevention in Native Entry Page Lightning Enable or disable Duplicate Check's duplicate prevention in the native entry page in Salesforce Lightning.
Prefill parent record if DC Entry is opened from a record page If enabled, and with DC Entry enabled, when a record is created from a related record (e.g. a new Contact record from an Account record) the parent record is automatically filled in.

Merge & Convert

Merge: show read only field while merging If enabled, all fields that contain unreadable values will be excluded from the merging process.
Show Quick/Auto Merge Button Show or hide the "Quick Merge", "Auto Merge‍", "Quick Convert", and "Auto Convert‍" buttons. For more information about Quick Merge/Convert, see DC Job Results Overview‍.
On the DC Convert page, default setting for the creation of opportunity. If enabled, while converting a Lead with DC Convert, the "Create Opportunity" option is selected by default. It can still be deselected.
On the DC Convert page, allow users to change the Opportunity name. When converting a Lead with DC Convert, at the "Create Opportunity" option, decide to show the Opportunity name as editable or read-only.
Auto Merge - Batch Apex Chunk Size. Between 1 and 20. Set the Batch Apex Chunk Size for Auto Merge. Default is 1.
Default owner for new records in Manual Convert Set a default owner for new records created during manual conversion: the converting user, the Lead Owner, or set a specific user.

Search Index

Index: Use domain names when creating index

When enabled, for fuzzy matching, email domain names are indexed both standalone and as part of the full email address. 
Minutes delay between asynchronous creation of search index Set the delay in minutes between search index creation jobs. Do not change this, unless the support team instructs you to do so.
Index Queue - Batch Chunk Size Determines the chunk size of the index creation job. Do not change this, unless you get instructions from the Plauti Support team.
Enable option to exclude fields from being taken into account in the search index Enabling this setting will add a new column to Scenarios, letting you exclude fields from being taken into account in the search index.
Enable option to group the index search. Enabling this setting will add a new column to Scenarios, letting you create groups that will be used to search the index. This is particularly useful for LDV (Large Data Volume) Orgs.

Apex Plugin

Plugin Generic

By using a Generic Plugin, Duplicate Check allows for a more flexible method of implementing the Duplicate Check apex plugins. 

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Plugin Merge

By using a Merge Plugin, Duplicate Check lets you execute an apex code before or after the merge is done or when the merge has failed.

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Plugin Convert

By using a Convert Plugin, Duplicate Check lets you execute an apex code before or after the convert is done or when the convert has failed.

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Plugin Prevention

The Prevention Plugin lets you execute custom apex code whenever a record is created or updated.

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Plugin Search

The Search Plugin will provide you with the search results every time a search is executed via Duplicate Check.

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Disable Triggers If enabled, duplicate check triggers will not execute. This will disable all Duplicate Preventions.
Disable the automatic processing of Unique Import/API inserted records If enabled, the automatic processing of records that are inserted via Unique Import/API is disabled.
Enable Small Trigger Footprint.  If enabled, Duplicate Check will use less CPU time when DC Trigger is used. It does this by only creating the index, and disabling Duplicate Prevention, Unique Import, Web to Lead and Direct Processing.


Simple Analytics The simple analytics will give you insights about the actions and preventions which Duplicate Check has taken. Analytics are shown on DC Home, and more extensively on DC Setup's Analytics page. Read more.
Share analytics with Plauti to improve products & services Help Plauti improve its products and services by sharing anonymized analytics about the use of Duplicate Check. Read more.‍ 

Improved Metadata Caching

Activate improved caching of Salesforce Metadata Enable the improved caching of Salesforce Metadata.
If you are not using the DC permission set, grant your users full access to the “dc3ObjectMeta” object to be able to use this setting.
Empty Metadata Cache Click Purge Metadata Cache to remove cached Salesforce Metadata.

Critical Updates

Settings to enable critical updates are displayed here. It is strongly recommended to enable these settings. Note that these settings cannot be deactivated once enabled.